Just released: Diana Susanti’s new compositions collection ‘The Last Note’ recorded at the DIANA Studios as part of her #ClassiceastiqueTraditional Project, powered by Sami Yusuf, Classiceastique Foundation, and Andante Records. The compositions are composed by Diana along with Angga which speaks of the spiritual joy of dying to the limited self and beingCheck it out!Just released: Diana Susanti’s new composition ‘The Last Note’
Month: June 2022
Dibalik Sa Pu Terima Kasihku Guruku
Assalamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Baku, 4 Juni 2022 | Well, sa di Baku saat sa menulis ini, di kantor Anaste Art Azerbaijan Baku. Oke, langsung to the point. Alhamdulillah, setelah berjibaku selama 4 bulan tertatih-tatih di awal tahun 2022, akhirnya bulan-bulan ini sa bisa bernapas lega. Akhirnya semua kembali semacam dulu.Check it out!Dibalik Sa Pu Terima Kasihku Guruku