Utopia Special Covers

Album Art:

General Metadata:

  • Cover collection by Diana
  • Released on 2022-10-21
  • Released by Anaste Records


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Album Description:

LIsten to Diana Susanti’s new Arrangements & Cover upon one of the legendary Indonesian Music Band, Utopia. Re-Arranged seamlessly and soft by Diana Susanti.

Including Top Hits Single by Utopia (Indonesia) Band: Performed by Diana Susanti (Track 01 & 04) and her friends (Track 02 & 03), creates the beutiful Love Arrangements for all music lovers. As the Classiceastique root of Diana followed, it enhance the quality of music.

Copyright of Aquarius Musikindo & Forte Records. Released by Anaste Records @ Timika, Indonesia

Album Samples

  1. Serpihan Hati (Original) Diana Susanti & Utopia 3:59
  2. Hujan Diana Susanti & Utopia 3:48
  3. Baby Doll Diana Susanti & Utopia 3:37
  4. Serpihan Hati (New Arrangement) - Bonus Diana Susanti & Utopia 3:58

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Diana Susanti exclusively signed to Anaste Records. And a member of Andante Music Global neighbouring network

All Diana’s songs are provided to the world and represented by Anaste Music Corporation and The-Source

Auto-generated by RootEast Ltd.

Diana Susanti