Album Art:

General Metadata:
- Release date: 2021-05-13
- Album artist: Diana Susanti
- Main Genre: Acoustic, Classical, Classiceastique
- Studios: DIANA Studios
- Record label: ANDA Entertainments Records
- Beginning
Composer: Diana Susanti
Arrangements: Diana Susanti
Performer: Diana Susanti
Record Director: Ade Liya, Christina Agustine
Mixing and Mastering: Siti Cut Meutya, Fitya Nur Aini
Producer: Angga Bassoni Al Barkah
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Album Description:
Beginning” is a new composition by Diana Susanti. Diana has inspired by her dream about the world’s future. Written by herself in early Ramadan, Diana tries to translate that dream into melodies and music. Each piece of track is performed beautifully by herself. Mastered professionally by her friend, Siti Cut Meutya. Brought to you, especially this Eid.
Album Samples
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Diana Susanti exclusively signed to Anaste Records.
All Diana’s songs are provided to the world and represented by BelieveAD and SonoSuite
Auto-generated by BelieveAD