Deen Assalaam (Single)

Album Art:

General Metadata:

  • Release date: 2022-12-28
  • Album artist: Diana Susanti
  • Main Genre: Classiceastique, Spiritique, Islamic
  • Studios: DIANA Studios, Ayisha’s Mini Studio
  • Record label: Anaste Records


  1. Deen Assalaam

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Album Description:

DIana’s Deen Assalaam as her long past single, is finally released on ANDA Al Barkah’s Anniversary date, Dec 28 2022. Iniated by her friend, Ayisha Abdul Basith & Adeliya Fitriana, this single presented specially for everyone in this circumstances, of our wounded world. As our current world goes on, they presented this single as the hopes for bright and better future, as Rasulullah (PBUH) said and hopes.

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Diana Susanti exclusively signed to Anaste Records.

All Diana’s songs are provided to the world and represented by Anaste Corporation and The-Source

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Diana Susanti