Hymne Guru (Single)

Album Art:

General Metadata:

  • Release date: 2023-05-26
  • Album artist: Diana Susanti
  • Main Genre: Pop, Spiritique, Classiceastique
  • Studios: Andante Studios Sharjah
  • Record label: Anaste Records


1.) Hymne Guru

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Album Description:

A Timikan Musician, Diana Susanti has back with her new arrangement of timeless classical love gratitude for our heroes. “Hymne Guru” which originally composed by sir (Alm.) Sartono, she made a new touch to brought back the Love and Gratitude to our teachers whose tirelessly enlighten us. As her dedication and belief that teachers alongside with education in general is one of life’s pillar, to make our humanity goes brighter, she believe that our Love to teachers is important part in our attempt to seeking knowledge (Talabul ‘Ilmu). Collaborated and made across UAE to West Papua, she made it with love, as her dedication to all teachers around the globe.

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Diana Susanti exclusively signed to Anaste Records.

All Diana’s songs are provided to the world and represented by Anaste Corporation and The-Source

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Diana Susanti