New Ages of Spirit

Album Art:

New Ages of Spirit

General Metadata:

  • Release date: 2021-05-01
  • Album artist: Diana Susanti
  • Main Genre: Classical, Classiceastique
  • Studios: DIANA Studios
  • Record label: ANDA Entertainments Records


  1. New Ages of Spirit


Composer: Diana Susanti

Arrangements: Diana Susanti

Pianist: Diana Susanti

String: M. Taufiq

Conductor: Ade Liya

Mixing and Mastering: Siti Cut Meutya

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Album Description:

Composed and arranged by Diana Susanti itself, “New A new composition by Diana Susanti to remember the struggle of Ki Hajar Dewantara, father of Indonesian education. Each part of this composition is told about his life in struggling to better education in Indonesia. Performed by Diana Susanti and Fitya Nur Aini, this composition brought properly in each piece of track.

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Diana Susanti exclusively signed to Anaste Records.

All Diana’s songs are provided to the world and represented by BelieveAD and SonoSuite

Auto-generated by BelieveAD

Diana Susanti