Album Art:

General Metadata:
- Release date: 2021-06-18
- Album artist: Diana Susanti
- Main genre: Classiceastique, Persian Classical
- Studios: DIANA Studios
- Record label: ANDA Entertainments Records
- Persian Midnight
- Wanderer in the Desert
Composer: Diana Susanti
Arrangements: Diana Susanti, Abdul Ghafur
Recording Lead: Christina Agustine
Recording Engineer: Irma Bakry, Adeliya Fitriana
Performer(s): Diana Susanti, M. Taufiq
Mixing & Mastering: Siti Cut Meutya
Producer: Angga Bassoni Al Barkah
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Album Description:
“Persian Midnight”, composed, arranged, and performed by Diana Susanti herself, is a high spirit of music compositions. Driven by spiritual and mystical experience by Diana Susanti itself during her journey in Iran. Featured 2 tracks, of which every track contains essential pieces of Persian classical music. Performed with Oud, in smooth melodies, but full of spiritual energy. modern music.
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Diana Susanti exclusively signed to Anaste Records.
All Diana’s songs are provided to the world and represented by BelieveAD and SonoSuite
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