Album Art:
General Metadata:
- Release date: 2022-09-16
- Album artist: Diana Susanti
- Main Genre: Classiceastique, Worldbeat
- Studios: DIANA Studios
- Record label: Anaste Records
- Stepping Into the Light
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Album Description:
In the spiritual journey of Diana Susanti, the peace through the harmony and The Sacred is reached by the solitude. A Divinely Love draws the path for all of us through the universes. As our stories continues in this worldly life, we lost through the ignorance and darkness. Stepping into The Light is a transition of our life path into heavenly connection to The Sacred. Depend on us, how we defend this faith.
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Diana Susanti exclusively signed to Anaste Records.
All Diana’s songs are provided to the world and represented by Anaste Music Corporation and The-Source
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