The Blue Danube – Live

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General Metadata:

  • Release date: 2025-02-14
  • Album artist: Diana Susanti, Classiceastique Orchestra
  • Main Genre: Classical, Watlz, Euro-Classical, Classiceastique
  • Studios: DIANA STUDIOS AL AIN (UAE), Zariya Creative Media, Grathia Studio Haifa
  • Record label: Anaste Records


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Album Description:

In a special performance at Timika Cathedral, her hometown, during a reunion with her orchestra, Classiceastique, Muslim musician Diana Susanti and her ensemble presented a unique rendition of Johann Strauss II’s iconic waltz, “The Blue Danube.”While honoring the original composition’s timeless beauty, Susanti and her orchestra reinterpreted the piece to convey a deeper message. They aimed to celebrate the magnificence of “Ibu Pertiwi” (Mother Earth), with a particular focus on the sacred land of Papua. Susanti emphasized that this performance was her gift to nature, a reminder to respect and cherish the natural world as a way to honor the divine and embrace its blessings.

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Diana Susanti exclusively signed to Anaste Records.

All Diana’s songs are provided to the world and represented by Anaste Corporation and The-Source

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Diana Susanti