Album Art:
General Metadata:
- Release date: 2022-11-25
- Album artist: Fitya Nur Aini
- Main Genre: Classiceastique, Acoustic Pop
- Studios: DIANA Studios
- Record label: Anaste Records
1.) The Journey (feat. Diana Susanti)
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Album Description:
Fitya’s debut single “The Journey” is finally out. The composition by her friend, Diana Susanti, performed by both of them, for Diana’s upcoming new album “Beyond The Universes”. The music draws the journey of Anaste Corpora, Diana-founded company. With the fears and experiences of her, Anaste’s goal as what the founders said is the purification artistic action. As our Essences in this worldly journey to remember, the music draws the downline of Anaste’s journey.
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Fitya Nur Aini exclusively signed to Anaste Records.
All Diana’s songs are provided to the world and represented by Anaste Corporation and The-Source
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