Album Art:

General Metadata:
- Release date: 2023-06-23
- Album artist: Diana Susanti
- Main Genre: Spiritique, Classiceastique
- Studios: Andante Studios Sharjah
- Record label: Anaste Records
1.) Yamko Rambe Yamko
Album Description:
A Diana’s longing for “Yamko Rambe Yamko” was drawn in a music fusion of modern Jazz style, Papuan Traditional Music, and Indian Classical. Released in June as her month of “The Last Note”, a dedication month for Traditional music, especially from Nusantara and Melanesian music. A mystical “Yamko Rambe Yamko” was re-arranged beautifully and doesn’t underestimate its mystical spiritual values.
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Diana Susanti exclusively signed to Anaste Records.
All Diana’s songs are provided to the world and represented by Anaste Corporation and The-Source
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